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Hey guys! I just hit another major milestone! 123K followers on IG and I am floored! Thank you for all the support! Today is also 02/22/2022, a number we will probably never see again lol In celebration of both occasions and as my gift to you, I would like to offer 22%...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Salon Owner | Stylist Coach (@strawberricurls) Hey everyone! Thank you so much for becoming apart of this community! Just a little housekeeping, if you haven’t completed your FREE registration for “How I Made 10K A Month As Hairstylist” you...
Ok look, listen ~taps mic, gets on soap box~ I just really need to get this off of my chest I DON'T CARE that Rachel Dolezal passed herself off as an African-American woman. The bottom line is the woman was uncomfortable with who she was. Aren't we all sometimes? Can...