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Need help getting started with your weight loss goals or just need to challenge yourself so more? Join the MissFit 7 Day Challenge! It will include what to eat, workout tips, and something for you to do each day Details about the challenge will be sent out via the...
During the 30 Day Grow Your Fro Protective Style Challenge, myself and MariaAntoniete TV will be uploading videos via Youtube of protective styles to help you along the way! As you all have called it, the "Strawberricurls CinnaBun" has been on of my most highly requested style tutorials. It's...
I made the decision to start blogging not because I was looking for a payday but because I genuinely wanted to help people. As time progressed, I realized that the vast majority of my time was being dedicated to my blog, talking to people via social media, and answering hair questions....