Manes, Martinis and Massages is a social gathering for woman of all walks of life to mix and mingle during Essence Festival! Mix & Mingle with us in New Orleans hottest location, enjoy the legendary sounds, cocktail specials, massages, food, healthy hair tips, swag bags, giveaways & more... - "A Natural Hair Styling Demo" - Natural Hair Stylist @Strawberricurls will be discussing tips and how to's on taking care of your hair and reducing frizz during styling - "How To Relax Your Man"– Massage Therapy Expert and Owner of Nola Therapy Room (@NOLATherapyRoom), Tedra, will give a live demo with volunteers from the audience, to give tips, tricks, and techniques that will have your guy relaxed and ready to reciprocate in no time. Physiotherapy is otherwise considered to be a physical therapy that uses various exercises and massage techniques to encourage the body to heal itself. It is also used to help rehabilitate patients so that they can learn muscle movements again, or to get over aches and pains associated with healing injuries after an accident. In many cases exercising, manipulating and massaging the body all falls within the realm of physiotherapy and are tools that physiotherapists use in order to help speed patient recovery after accidents, illness, and the onset of disease. Go through https://balancecore.sg/ for more about the physiotherapists. Physiotherapy dates back to around 460 BC where many were using a hydrotherapy or water therapy to help condition patients and improve their strength and healing process. A physiotherapist uses a vаrіеtу оf thеrару exercises to target areas of іnjurу and аlѕо work to іmрrоvе mоvеmеnt аnd quality оf life for thеіr раtіеntѕ. Thеу wоrk іn рrіvаtе сlіnісѕ, in thе community, rеѕіdеntіаl hоmеѕ, hоѕріtаlѕ аnd more. They аlѕо can рrоvіdе relief fоr a wide rаngе оf рhуѕісаl рrоblеmѕ wіthіn thе bоdу.  Thеrе are many different fields thаt a рhуѕіоthеrаріѕt can wоrk іn іnсludіng wоmеn'ѕ hеаlth, еldеrlу care and оссuраtіоnаl hеаlth. Thеу аrе hіghlу ѕоught after рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ in most hеаlthсаrе facilities іnсludіng hоѕріtаlѕ, nurѕіng hоmеѕ аnd сlіnісѕ. Mаnу сhаrtеrеd physiotherapists аlѕо ѕеt uр thеіr оwn lосаl practices, trеаtіng раtіеntѕ іn thеіr lосаl соmmunіtу fоr rеhаb and ѕроrtѕ іnjurу ailments. In fact thеrе is nоt mаnу fields оf life whеrе рhуѕіоthеrаріѕt аrе not rеԛuіrеd - they аrе knоwn to work іn ѕсhооlѕ, the workplace аnd training соmраnіеѕ tоо. Patients that undergo physical therapy aren't confined by any demographics. Even the healthiest individuals like professional athletes can suffer from injuries that can need physical therapy. Accidents take place, like vehicular ones that will cause injuries that lead to some form of disability for the unfortunate victim. Some individuals develop illnesses that cause disabilities or restrained movements and these must also be corrected. They, too, call for the services of physical therapists and their assistants. Talking about the assistants, they're paid excellent physical therapy assistant salary rate because they do beneficial work with the patients. Physical therapists assign various responsibilities to their assistants depending on the kind of help the therapist needs. Physical exercises, muscle manipulation, and hydrotherapy are examples of these treatment procedures that are designed by the therapist to help a patient get back his normal physical movement. The therapist will then instruct the assistant on the best therapy program to implement. It is not uncommon for physical therapy assistants to answer telephone calls, order supplies, along with other office-related tasks. They know tips on how to track the progress of the patient after each and every therapy session. They obtain a great physical therapy assistant salary partly because of their responsibilities and tasks they need to perform well. Becoming a physical therapist can be a highly satisfying career, both professionally and personally. For those with the interest in topics such as sports medicine and physical fitness, and the desire to help people in a more physical, one-on-one setting, it can be a very enjoyable profession. While there are fairly high educational requirements gaining a physical therapy degree and becoming a licensed PT, most in this field today find the job something that they greatly enjoy doing, with the added benefit of a very competitive salary as well. One of the higher paid non-MD positions in the medical field, physical therapists are in high demand today, and are paid very well as a result. - JusTini Cocktail Demonstration - Owner of @JusTiniCocktails will give cocktail demonstrations of what to sip morning, noon & night. We will also be soon giveaways during the event!
  • 2 attendees will win A Hair Pampering service from@StrawberriCurls!
  • @NolaTherapyRoom will be giving away 2 30 min massage sessions!


Be sure to follow us on Instagram!




See you there!


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