A lot of times when I go shopping, I am on the hunt for something specific for a particular event. Once I find that specific item, I begin to search for the items that will complete the look I have in mind. I'm sure Im not the only one that shops this way! We build this look, wear it, and then feel as if the way we originally wore it is the only way we can wear it. Well, we're wrong! Many articles of clothing, handbags, shoes, etc. can be worn many different ways for many different occasions.                              Do you have that dress that you've worn more than once with the same accessories, shoes and purse? Do you have those jeans that you wear with the same style of t-shirt and shoe every time? If so, I challenge you to step outside of that same old wardrobe choice box and mix things up! Go through your closets and drawers, find one particular item, and lay it down on your bed. Next, I want you to go through all of your shoes, jewelry, handbags, and accessories and come up with at least two different ways you can wear that particular item you have chosen. Then start all over again with a different item. This is the easiest and cheapest way to update your look!   Did you splurge on a pair of $600 Louboutins? If you're anything like me, you'll want to wear those pumps until the sole isnt quite so red anymore! LOL These pumps are a good example of how one item can go from day to night or work to dinner depending on how your wear it. More examples:   -Courtney For information about any of the looks/items featured or any other fashion related questions, email me at cocosfashion@ymail.com! Follow me on Twitter @CantResistCody and @CocosChaos
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