What is your name and your profession? Zena E. Glover Why did you go natural? Love being natural having a perm for me was plain How long have you been natural and when did you BC? Well technically, I was natural until high school then I got a perm freshman year of high school because at that time I thought It was cooler to have permed hair. I remember crying and telling my mom I don't wanna do my own hair anymore. I can't possibly go to high school with a Afro puff as big as mine!!!!!! So she finally caved into the tears and let me get my first perm....which was the worst day of my life. It was that my hair fell out or was thin or horrible.. In all actuality my hair was BEAUTIFUL PERMED.. It was incredibly long and full of body and strong. It just lacked personality. Either it was long and curl or straight or in. Pony tail and that became boring no matter how I styled it. Whether it was colors or layers or updos or crimps... It just wasn't me. So I cut my hair to have fifty million short permed hair styles and it still was enough. So I then went to my ceaser cut in blonde which and I absolutely loved!! And there is no looking back.. So I was permed for 10 yrs for high school college and a little bit after college then went natural in 2010 What are your staple products and hairstyles? I really don't do much but wash every week and wake up and leave the house lol my hair curls back up and fluffs out in the shower in the am. I love my Shea moisture moisture retention shampoo, queen Helene cholesterol tea tree deep conditioner and organics replenish pak in the yellow package. And when I need extra love for my curls I hot oil or deep condition with olive oil extra virgin, lavender, coconut oil and tea tree oil. I love my MOHAWK"!!!!! [gallery type="rectangular" ids="5344,5343,5342,5341,5340" orderby="rand"]   What are your natural hair goals? I just want it to be healthy and strong. I don't think I will ever have sides lol I love the ceaser sides because it gives me the best of both worlds. Long hair iam soo over. So if I do grow it long it will probably still have non sides lol. And I don't think I will ever have my national dark brown/red hair color either lol How do you keep your hair intact overnight? I where a silk scarf or sateen bonnet at night How do you maintain length? I never had issues with length I actually need my hair cut every week to keep it in a Mohawk because it grows soooo fast Thank God IM extremely grateful for that blessing.. But moisture retention is key And sealing the hair with oil is very important as we'll Name 1 reason you went natural and why you love being natural. It really is who iam inside ...I love being natural because it automatically makes me sassy lmbo Where else can we find you on the net? Www.khamitkinks.comI am featured on Anu Prestonia's (the legend of Natural Hair) but I am just simple
By StrawBerriCurls 0 comment


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