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How long have you been natural and when did you BC?
I have been natural for 2 years now. I BC'd August 13th, 2009. I had only transitioned for like 3 or 4 months, but at my BC I had a VERY TWA...
What are your staple products and hairstyles?
I LOVE using gel, although some naturals probably don't think gel is best for hair. I love Fantasia IC Gel, but lately I have been vibing to EcoStyler Argan Oil Gel. I do my twistouts with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding, and love it. My most favorite conditioner is Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. As far as hairstyles go, I change it up everyday. But I love twistouts, blowouts, bunny tails, pinning up the front, mohawk, and parting it down the middle and twisting up the front/sides.
What is your regimen?
It's funny, but I don't really have one. Sad, but true. I just listen to my hair and whenever it needs to be washed or twisted or whatever, I do it. I have never deep conditioned my hair. I've only trimmed my ends twice in 2 years and I barely comb my hair out (maybe once every 2/3 weeks) Bad I know, I don't deserve to have such strong hair, lol. But because of my family roots, I have been blessed to have naturally curly and healthy hair.
What are your natural hair goals?
I want waist length hair, but I am not someone who gets caught up in the length of the hair. I want it to be healthy, first and foremost. I LOVE BIG HAIR, so I want it to be huge like bigger than if I put my arms above my head, lol. I have also been blessed to have one texture throughout my whole head, but I do want to have hair that doesn't shrink up so much!!! Lol.
How do you keep your hair intact overnight?
I either sleep with a satin scarf or a satin bonnet. On those rough nights, I have slept with nothing but my cotton pillow case.
How do you maintain length?
I don't put much heat on my hair. I have only straightened my hair twice (the 2 times I trimmed the ends.) But I do blow my hair out maybe once a month and when I do my twist outs, I sometimes use the dryer on low heat to stretch my curls. I only detangle my hair when it has conditioner in it and when it is wet to eliminate breakage. I will say that my hair does shed alot, but it has always shedded so this isn't anything new. And I keep my hair moisturized whether it's with water/olive oil or with cowashing it (my hair loves cowashes.)
Name 1 reason you went natural and why you love being natural.
I went natural because I have always loved how long and pretty my hair was, but I knew it wasn't it's healthiest state when relaxed. I've also always loved my new growth, so I wanted to see what all those waves would look like. My whole life, my family told me I had nappy hair that was difficult to manage, which is why I never considered going natural. But I am so glad that I did it. And I did it in a BIG way (my hair was in the middle of my back and I cut it to half an inch.) I love being natural because I feel like I stan out and am unique. I feel like I don't look like everyone else and I am working with what God gave me. Straight hair, in my opinion, is so boring and when I rock my natural curls I just feel like it goes with my outgoing, colorful, and artistic personality. I recommend it to anyone and I also suggest to everyone to BC, that way you are getting to know your hair as it grows and goes through its stages.
Alexandra Butler
Professional Makeup Artist
(404) 220-7566 Cell