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According to Clutch Magazine
September issue of Ebony Magazine covers Trayvon Martin Welp, you knew this would happen. After Ebony magazine released a preview of its upcoming September issue, which features four separate images dedicated to the memory of Trayvon Martin and examines Florida’s Stand Your Ground Laws, the racist trolls started coming out in droves. Whites threaten Ebony Magazine boycottAccording to the 68-year-old magazine, they have been inundated by individuals expressing their displeasure over the cover because they’ve chosen to “take Martin’s side.” Here are a sampling of the tweets: While the evocative cover was meant to stir up conversation, some Whites have mentioned boycotting Ebony magazine, which begs the question, for that?s Considering Ebony is a publication owned by African Americans and produced for Black folks, what would a White-out (a boycott by White folks) do to the Ebony brand considering most have never bought the magazine in the first place? Although the threat of a boycott seems absolutely pointless, one thing is clear. Ebony magazine’s covers did exactly what they were supposed to do: drum up conversation and score the publication some much-needed buzz.