Lexi of Curls,Coils,& Kinks is having a weight lose challenge and I decided since im already on my weight loss journey, I might as well join in.

I started of weighing 200lbs ( yes I had let myself get THAT big) and now I am down 12lbs since October. I actually can’t believe that I am telling you guys my real weight.

My boyfriend tells me all the time I have that number locked away in the deep subconscious of my mind. Lol . But he is right and I finally told him how much I actually weigh the other day.

That was a HUGE step for me because I didn’t want to tell him that only because I feel like I should be way smaller than that. I have gotten to the point though that if I don’t accept where I am at, I will never get to where I am going.

I guess that is part of the reason I am doing this challenge and broadcasting it on my blog. I am stepping out of my shell and being a little more open minded about it because let’s face it, nobody is perfect.

I figure if I tell yall then I HAVE to update and I HAVE to check in.

Here are my starting stats:

Current weight – 188.4 lbs

Current BF% -45.7%

Arms - 13 1/2
Waist - 33 3/4
Abs - 37 1/16
Hips - 43 11/16

Goal weight – 150 

YIKES but believe it or not those stats have drastically improved.  I am not where I want to be, but I thank the Lord I am not where I used to be!

This challenge ends in June but my own personal goal is to be 38 lbs down by May. I can do this and I will update you guys 3 months from now on my progress but I WILL tell you guys what I eat everyday

Or try and tell you every day. I am going to be tracking my food journal with MyFitnessPal.com. That site has a great support system for anyone looking to loss weight. All you basically do is log what you ate and what you did to exercise. Thats it!

It does the rest for you and it even gives you a caloric limit that you shouldn’t be surpassing everyday if you want to lose so many lbs a week. Trust me, it works! You just have to be really honest about what you eat and how much.

Back to the topic at hand, SO how do I plan on making this happen? Well here is my workout schedule for the week

Mon or Fri , Wed :

Yoga: 45 mins

Lower Body

  • ·         Jump squats – 2 sets of 12 reps
  • ·         Front squats – 3 sets of 10 reps
  • ·         1 legged Squats – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • ·         Donkey Kicks – 3 sets of 12 reps
  • ·         Firehydrant – 3 sets of 12 reps

Tues, Thursday

Running: 30 mins

Upper Body:  30 mins

  • ·         Pushups - 2 sets of 15 reps
  • ·         Lat raises - 2 sets of 12 reps
  • ·         Chest Flys – 2 sets of 12 reps
  • ·         Shoulder Press – 2 sets of 12 reps

Yea I am pretty much tryna kill myself.. lol.

Root for me yall cuz this is about to be a crazy 6 months and I will love every second of it!


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