Hola! ... yea that's the extent of my spanish.. lol I am finding that people are assuming that there is a shortage of natural hair styles. That couldn't be far from the truth. Now while all of us aren't looking to be couture or whatever other phrases they have out nowadays, we are looking for variety. It doesn't have to be complicated or too flashy. It just has to be different. I decided that i was going to find some hair styles complete with tutorials that you ladies could do at home to shake things up a bit. Don't ya just love me? ~big cheesy smile~  

1. Curly Twistout

I was really happy to see Mae switch things up a bit. I think this styles is really cute on her. She living like me and stretching those twists as long as she possible can lol. The end result is beautiful and it takes not time, requires no heat, and can be preserved. Who doesn't like 3 day hair?  

2. Mini Twists

Pssh so you thought i was doing this list without including myself? Yall got the game twisted. OF COURSE im going to include myself. Welp this has made the list because once i discipline myself to do them, i am always happy with the end result and glad i did. These twists lasts me for about 4 - 6 weeks. That's amazing considering its my own hair! You can do yours like this as well but i recoommened doing it dry because it stretches the hair out more. You don't have to blow dry your hair either. I CHOOSE to blow dry mine. You can air dry it ^___^  

3. High Society Bun

I must give Nap85 her props. One thing she is never short on is hairstyling ideas. She epitomizes no heat. Like she NEVER EVER uses heat. She creates this completely elegant bun using an old flexi rod set. It comes out beautiful!

4. Flexi Rod Set

Have yall seen this woman's hair? Like actually SEEN IT! It's Empress Ri. Her straight styles are always to die for but this latestet flexi rod set. ~faints~ She has me tempted to stop being lazy and go try it out.....or not.. ~shruglife~  
By StrawBerriCurls 0 comment


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