Whats your name?

My name is Armisha Washington, 31 years old, married and mother of three

When did you get your 1st relaxer?

I got my first relaxer at the age of 10 and mom gave me one. She only gave me a relaxer because my three other sisters, who are younger than me, “needed” one because of their hair texture. She would always say that my hair was beautiful and didn’t “need” a relaxer.

Did your mom get it down or did you ask for it to be done?

I got my first relaxer at the age of 10 and mom gave me one. She only gave me a relaxer because my three other sisters, who are younger than me, “needed” one because of their hair texture. She would always say that my hair was beautiful and didn’t “need” a relaxer. If you have kids, would you relax their hair? Why or why not? I have one daughter who I have never put any chemicals in her hair and never plan to. She is six years old and I have taught her from the beginning that her hair is beautiful. I want her to have the choice on whether to relax her hair or not. it is very important that I teach my daughter that everything about her is beautiful and was created by God.  It was kind of hard to teach this lesson, given that I was relaxed and wore straight hair in which she wanted and what many of her classmates had.  So, I decided to transition from relaxed to natural so that I can do what I’m teaching.

Have you ever been able to recover the length you had as a kid whether relaxed or natural?

As a child Ive always had long hair and the same as relaxed. However, with relaxed hair I found myself going through cycles or breakage then to healthy hair then to breakage and the cycle continued.  I have been transitioning for about five months now. My last relaxer was July 1, 2010.  My plans were to be a long term transitioner but I’m running out of patience. LOL!!  I’m planning to do the “Big Chop” at the beginning of the year.

(She’s currently transitioning)

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