I really feel sorry for this lady. I can attest to seeing things like this happen first hand. My aunt once had her hair braided and had to go to the hospital because of swollen lymph nodes because her hair was braided too tight. She had to take antibiotics to fix the problem but she still couldn't get her money back for it. SMH. Much like this woman who really deserved her money back but was not offered that. When she asked about it, they said they wouldn't refund her back her $180.00 dollars.  Instead the salon offered to do her hair again and she declined. (Hell, i would have too) Mind you, she had to take not 1 but 2 trips to the emergency room. The state is now requiring that braiders get a license to protect customers from things like this. This happened in Greensboro. For some reason the video wont embed so you can view it here.  http://www.digtriad.com/video/default.aspx?bctid=111741096001
By StrawBerriCurls 0 comment


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